Howtos Tips

The New World of Teams Webhooks

As you may have heard, Microsoft in their infinite wisdom has decided to retire “Office 365 Connectors” for Teams. At first this sounds innocuous until you realize this also includes the incoming webhook connector which allows webhooks to trigger Teams messages. Thats a very handy feature in the world of automation. The replacement solution is to use “Workflows” which is really just a fancy name for PowerAutomate also/previously/better known as Flow. There are a variety…

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Let’s Encrypt Certificates and Remote Desktop Services

Background With the potential of SSL certificates in Chrome being considered expired after 90 days and the inevitable downtime from not renewing a certificate in time, its time to get serious about automating the renewal and installation of certificates on all platforms. This process is well honed for popular webservers but other applications require custom solutions. Microsoft Remote Desktop Services relies heavily on trusted SSL certificates to function properly. I’ve worked on two methods of…

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Triggering HomeKit Automations with a Fortigate

Problem Statement and Proposed solution I use Apple HomeKit as my smart home platform of choice. Its not perfect and doesn’t have nearly the ecosystem that Alexa does but I like it and it compliments the fact that I use mostly Apple devices in the rest of my network. I don’t do anything all that complicated because I rent so there is a limit to the amount of smarts I can integrate. One feature I…

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My Journey to IPv6: Part 3 – Outbound Firewall

Three is the magic number In parts 1 and 2 we discussed IPv6 addressing, and connection basics then configured a Fortigate to grab a DHCPv6 PD prefix and distribute it with SLAAC to clients on the inside network. In this episode I will go over the Fortigate firewall and security policy configuration to get your IPv6 traffic out to the Internet. The illusion of control In part 1 I discussed how router advertisements are sent…

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My Journey to IPv6: Part 2 – Fortigate Address Configuration

How did we get here? In part 1 of this series I covered some basics about how IPv6 addresses are distributed. In summary we use DHCPv6 PD to find out from an ISP what prefix should be placed on our clients. After that a combination of SLAAC and DHCPv6 result in one (or more) IP address and DNS server combo that gives a client IPv6 connectivity. As mentioned in the first article I have Verizon…

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